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| Portraits Politics/Government/Authorities
Summery of portraits painted by Sierk Schröder
Professor Dr. P.J. Oud, 1956, Chairman of the political party VVD /
'Thorbecke-huis'. (Professor Oud was also Minister of Finance, Mayor
of Rotterdam, Minister of State)
Professor Dr. P.J. Oud, 1964, the portrait was presented to the Voorzitter
van de Tweede Kamer (Speaker of the House of Commons) Mr. F.J.F.M.
van Thiel on behalf of the VVD (04.02.'64)

(picture: portrait of Mr. W.J. (Molly) Geertsema)
Mr. W.J. (Molly) Geertsema, 1970, Mayor of Wassenaar (was also vice-Prime
minister and Queen's Commissioner)
Mr. Dr. J. Donner, Minister of Justice (Cabinet de Geer), President
of the Supreme Court of the Netherlands (1946-1961)

(picture: portrait of Dr. J.E. de Quay)
Dr. J.E. de Quay, 1959, Queen's Commissioner of N. Brabant (1946-1959),
was also Prime Minister (1959-1962)
H.J. van Mook, 1947, Minister of the Colonies (painted in Jakarta)
Professor Dr. G.M. Verrijn Stuart, 1965, President of the Sociaal
Economische Raad, S.E.R., (Social Economic Board), the parliament's
advisory body
Jonkheer Mr. Dr. O.F.A.H. van Nispen tot Pannerden, 1972, Queen's Commissioner
of Overijssel
Mr. E.H.J. Baron van Voorst tot Voorst, 1957, Mayor of Tilburg (1946-1957)
Mr. H.A.M.T. Kolfschoten, 1958, Mayor of Eindhoven (1946-1957), later
Mayor of The Hague, 1957-1968, former Minister of Justice

(picture: portrait of Drs. F.G.L.L. Schols)
Drs. F.G.L.L. Schols, 1985, Mayor of The Hague
Mr. J.R.H. van Schaik, 1956, was Minister of State, Minister of Justitie,
Voorzitter van de Tweede Kamer (Speaker of the House of Commons)
Jonkheer Mr. Dr. A.W.L. Tjarda van Starkenborgh Stachouwer, 1961, President
of the Carnegy Foundation, 1958-1963, Vredespaleis (Peace Palace),
The Hague (was also Govenor general of the Netherland's Indies)
Mr. S.J.R. de Monchy, 1955, President of the Carnegy Foundation, 1953-1958,
Vredespaleis (Peace Palace), The Hague (was also Mayor of The
José Gustavo Guerrero, first President of the International Court
of Justice (ICJ), The Hague (born 1876, Salvadoran Politician)
Dr. P.J. Platteel, 1976, Mayor of Hilversum, Former Govener of New Guinea
Dr. Ir. Sikke Smeding, 1954, Bailiff Wieringermeer, Director and Bailiff
of Noord-Oostpolder (North East Polder)
Jonkheer Mr. C.J.A. de Ranitz, 1972, Mayor of Utrecht
Mr. K.H. Gaarlandt, 1976, Queen's Commissioner of Drente
Professor Mr. W.F.J.M. Krul, 1959, Director of the National Institute
for Drinking-water Supply
H.H.J. van de Pol, 1960, President of the Algemeen Nederlands Persbureau
(General Dutch Press Agency)
Mr. Dr. L.G. Kortenhorst, 1956, Voorzitter van de Tweede Kamer
(Speaker of the House of Commons)
Mr. J.W. Beyen, 1967, Minister for Foreign Affairs from 1952 to 1956,
contributed to the establishment of the EEC, later Ambassador in Paris
Meine van Veen, 1958, Mayor of Enschedé
C.G. (Chris) Matser, 1954, Mayor of Arnhem
Mr. Th.M.J. de Graaf, 1973, Mayor of Nijmegen
Professor Mr. G.E. Langemeijer, 1973, Attorney-General at the Supreme
Court of the Netherlands
Professor Dr.Jur. Herbert Weichmann, 1971, President of the Senate of
the Free Hansetown Hamburg, First Mayor 09.06.1965-09.06.1971
Dr. S.F.A. Baron van Wijnbergen, 1953, Mayor of Wassenaar
Mr. J.C. Graaf (Earl) van Randwijck, 1946, Mayor of Amersfoort (1912-1940
/ 7.05.1945-16.11.1945)
Mr. W.J. Woldringh van der Hoop, 1956, Mayor of Katwijk (1932-1956)
Mr. Dr. C.A. Prinsen, 1948, Mayor of Roosendaal (1932-1947), from 1947-1952
Mayor of Breda
Mr. A.M.F. Freijters, 1959, Mayor of Roosendaal
J.P. Godwaldt, 1975, Mayor of Roosendaal
Ir. J.F.R. van de Wall, 1957, Director Zuyderzeeworks, Chief engineer
Department of ways and communications, Leleystad
Mr. W.M.E. van Rossem, Dean of the Bar (1948-1957)
J.J.M Wiegman, 1955, Mayor of Wassenaar
Mr. K. Staab, 1983, (drawing) Mayor of Wassenaar
A.J. Le Coultre-Foest, 1976, Mayor of Blaricum
Ir. G. Swiers, (1977-posthumous), Drainage-district West-Brabant
Professor Dr. M.W. Holtrop, 1961, President of the Dutch Central Bank
Ir. J.B.G.M. ridder de van der Schueren, 1963, Queen's Commissioner
of Overijssel 1946-1964
Mr. Dr. Egbert Tekenbroek, 1962, Member of the Supreme Court of the
Mr. G.J.H. Kuijk (1891-1958), 1954, President of the Notarial Brotherhood,
also (in co-operation with Professor Mr. A. Pitlo) founder of the Foundation
on behalf of Cultural decisions
M. Etienne de Crouy-Chanel, July 1965, French Ambassador in the Netherlands
(from 28 July 1961-29 September 1965)
Mr. A.J.M. de Groot, 1976, Cantonal judge, The Hague
José Fernández-Villaverde y Roca de Togores (El Marqués
de Santa Cruz, J. Vernández-Villaverde), 1953, Spanish Ambassador
in the Netherlands (1950-1953)
Dr. J.H.(Herman) van Roijen (1905-1991), Minister for Foreign Affairs
in Cabinet Schermerhorn/Drees, later Ambassador in Canada, United States
of America and Great Britain. Closely involved in solving the Dutch-Indonesian
conflict (1949) and the New Guinea issue (1964)
Jonkheer Mr. Johannes Jacobus Smits van Oyen, 1958, Mayor of Nuenen,
Gerwen, Nederwetten (1963-1977), he lived on the Soeterbeek-estate.
Dr. A. de Waal, 1963, Secretary of State in Cabinet Drees II, commissioned
by the Ministry of Education, Arts and Sciences
Mrs. M.L.E.C. van Wijck-Dijkhoff, 1967, wife of Mr. F.H.C. van Wijck,
former Alderman, commissioned by Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Amsterdam
Josiah Marvel Jr., 1949, U.S. Ambassador to Denmark (1946-1949)
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