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Portraits economy
List of portraits by Sierk Schröder
CEOs (Chief Execute Officers), Chairmen of Boards, Chairmen of supervisory
Banks / Insurance companies
Professor Dr. M.W. Holtrop, 1961, President of the Dutch Central Bank
Mr. C.Th.E. Graaf (Earl) van Lynden van Sandenburg, 1972, Rabobank
Drs. J.C. Wurfbain, 1972, ABN (ABN, later ABN/AMRO)
B.F. Enschedé, 1969, Joh. Enschedé
Therodorus Ligthart, 1955, NV Maatschappij Hypothecair Krediet (Mortgage
company), The Bank of Java (De Javasche Bank)
Allard Pierson, 1949, Pierson Heldring Pierson
Robert May, Lippmann, Rosenthal & Co
A.A. Andriesse, 1950, Pierson Heldring Pierson
Mr. J.W. Holleman, 1951, Nieuwe Eerste Nederlandsche
Mr. N.E. Rost Onnes, 1950, Hollandsche Bank Unie, H.B.U., (The Dutch
Bank Union)
Mr. John Robert Goddard, 1955, Stad Rotterdam Anno 1720 NV
Mr. J.W. de Jong Schouwenburg, 1964, NOG Verzekeringsmij. (Insurance
company), Amsterdam
L.W.E. Rauwenhoff, 1965, Robeco, founder and first CEO (from 1933-1960),
later Chairman of the board of supervisory directors
Dr. Anton Philips, 1950

(picture: portrait of Dr. Ir. F.J. Philips)
Dr. Ir. F.J. Philips, 1980
Jonkheer H.A.C. van Riemsdijk, 1977, CEO from 1971-1977, later chairman
of the board of supervisory directors
Professor Dr. G. Holst, 1950, Philips Research Laboratory (NAT-Lab),
Eindhoven (portrait hangs in the Lecture-hall of the Laboratory)
Professor Dr. Balthasar van der Pol, Philips Research Laboratory (NAT-Lab),
Eindhoven (portrait hangs in de Lecture-hall of the Laboratory)
Dr. Ekko Oosterhuis (1998-1966), 1949, Philips Research Laboratory
(NAT-Lab), Eindhoven
Dr. Albert Plesman, 1951
Lieutenant General Air-Pilot I.A. Aler, 1961
Jonkheer Ir. H. Loudon, 1938
J.B.A. Kessler, 1949
B.Th.W. van Hasselt, 1952
Sidney J. van den Bergh, 1964
F.J. Tempel, 1966
H.S.A. Hartog, 1971
G.D.A. Klijnstra, 1975
Ir. A.H. Ingen Housz, 1958
Ir. A. Drijver, 1970
Drs. P.L. Justman Jacob, 1975
Ir. A.J. Engel, 1962
Ir. A.J. Engel
K. Soesbeek, 1970.
Océ van der Grinten
Dr. L.P.F. (Louis) van der Grinten, 1964
Dr. P.A.W. (Piet) van der Grinten, 1965
Dr. K.J.J. (Karel) van der Grinten, 1967
Centraal Bureau Tuinbouwveilingen (Central Bureau for Fruit and
Vegetables Auctions)
F.V. Valstar, 1942
J. Barendse, 1953
M. Prins Jr., 1974
Papermill 'De Hoop', Eerbeek
H. Bos, 1960, founder
T.J. Bos, 1968, painted on the occasion of his 25th anniversary as CEO
J.D. Bos, 1969 (posthumous)
Vroom en Dreesmann, Vendex
Drs. R.J.P. Vroom, 1971
Dr. W.J.R. Dreesmann (Willem Dreesmann), 1972 (posthumous, commissioned
by Dr. Anton Dreesmann), CEO Vendex untill his death due to a car accident
in 1971
Pensioen Centrale (PC) with members as The Dutch Red Cross Society
Constance J.P.C. Deelen, 1966, Chairman of the Dutch Central Association
for Pension for Social Workers, with members as 'The Dutch Red Cross
Dr. N.J.C.M. Kappeyne van de Coppello, 1976
Nederlandse Diepdruk Industrie, (Dutch intaglio printing industry),
nowadays Roto Smeets Deventer
P.J. van de Griendt, 1950, founder (1931)
M. van der Burgh, 1974, Managing Director from 1964-1973
Heemaf Hengelo (from 1963 Holec)
Ir. F.R. Willink, 1952, Director 1919-1951
Ir. H.I. Keus, 1954, Director 1919-1954
Professor Dr. Ir. H.C.J.H. Gelissen, 1966, NV KEMA, Association of
Directors of Electricity Companies in the Netherlands, Arnhem (was also
Minister of Economic Affairs in the Cabinet Colijn)
Helmich Weidema, 1967, Bührmann-Tetterode (printing systems)
/ Staples
Mr. A.F. Lodeizen, 1958, Wm. H. Muller & Co. (shipping company)
/ Internatio-Müller
J.F. Verlinden, 1959, Wijn (wines) Verlinden
Ir. E.L.C. Schiff, 1959, Vredestein (tyres) / (Apollo Vredestein)
M. Lels Czn., 1956, Smit Internationale (towage and salvage of shipwrecks)
/ Boskalis
Drs. R.E.M. van den Brink, 1979, Bonaventura, Elsevier / Reed Business
Ir. F.Q. den Hollander, 1960, Nederlandse Spoorwegen, NS (The Dutch
D.G. van Beuningen, January 1952, SHV (SHV is a privately-held family
company, originated in 1896 in the Netherlands and operates in more
than 50 countries, employing more than 30.000 people)
D.G. van Beuningen, March 1952, presentation of the portrait in Ahoy,
Rotterdam, on 22 March
Dr. F.H. Fentener van Vlissingen, 1955, co-founder of the NV Nederlandsche
Kunstzijdefabriek (The Dutch Rayon Factory), also SHV
Dr. F.H. Fentener van Vlissingen, 1963, SHV, (copy of the portrait,
painted in 1955)
Henri vanden Schrieck, 1957, Stella Artois / Interbrew, Leuven, Belgium
Einar Dessau, 1964, Carlsberg, Tuborg Breweries
Mr. Dr. J. Linthorst Homan, 1976, Voorzitter Koninklijke Nederlandse
Zuivelbond, FNZ, (Chairman of the Royal Dutch Dairy Federation)
J.H.J. de Jong, 1959, Douwe Egberts (D.E.) / Sara Lee, nowadays D.E.
Master Blenders
Dr. J.R.M. van den Brink, 1969, Nederlandse Vereniging Sigarenindustrie
(Dutch United Cigar Manufacturers), was also Minister of Economic Affairs
A.S. de Muinck Keizer, 1952, Demka (steel)
Mr. W.A. Steenstra Toussaint, 1978, Erven Lucas Bols (distillers
of alcohol and liquor as Jenever, Gin)
Dr. A.L.J. Sunier, 1953, Artis (Zoological Gardens), Amsterdam
L.W. (Leo) van der Heem, 1959, van der Heem N.V.
Ir. P.C.S. van Hattem, 1960, Hollandsche Beton Groep (Steel structures)
/ Andus Group
Mr. C.G. Trouw, 1968, Koninklijke Talens, Royal Talens, (for the
fine arts sector)
H.E. ten Cate, Koninklijke Nijverdal ten Cate / Royal Ten Cate (this
multinational is leader in synthetic grass fibers)
Jonkheer Ir. O.C.A. van Lidth de Jeude, 1951, Koninklijk Instituut van
Ingenieurs (Royal Institute of Engineers), was also Minister of Transport
and Waterways in two Cabinets Colijn and Minister of War from 1942-1945
in the Cabinet Gerbrandy II
Teewis Duyvis, 1959, Koninklijke Fabrieken (Royal Factories) T. Duyvis
J. Zoon (peanut products)
Mr. Drs. B. Moret, 1969, Moret, Ernst & Young (Ernst &
Young Accountants)
A.H. Bredero, 1946, Bredero's Bouwbedrijf N.V. (Building Trade, Investment
Ir. J.P. Broekhoven, 1975, Baggerbedrijf Broekhoven N.V. (dredging
company) / Ballast Nedam
L.Th. Menken, 1965, Menken Holding (Dairy Food) / Menken van
Grieken / Campina
J.J.F. Stokvis, 1975, De Telegraaf (morning Newspaper) / Telegraaf
Media Group
A.G. Sijthoff, Sijthoff Pers (Publishers)
A. Hooimeier Sr., 1955, Bakkerijen A. Hooimeier en Zonen (bakeries),

(picture: portrait of Ir. J. Poort)
Ir. J. Poort, 1981, Grabowski en Poort Ingenieursbureau (Consulting
Engineers), The Hague
Frits Loeb, 1958, Pastoe meubelen (Furniture)
E.H. (Emiel Hubert) van Oppen, 1958, Staalwerken (Steel works)
'De Maas', Maastricht
Christiaan F.C. Vermunt, 1955, VERO Borstelfabrieken (brush factories),
Ir. C.M.R. Davidson, 1967, Octrooibureau Vriesendorp en Gaade (patent-agency),
The Hague
Ir. I.J. Sloos, 1965, Leidse Onderwijsinstellingen, L.O.I., (Educational
institutions, Leiden), founder and managing director
S.F. Fransen, 1969/70, Lovable Zutphen (lingerie) / Lovable Benelux,
Amsterdam, founder and managing director
Mr. J.H. Kiewiet de Jonge, 1952, Wilhelmina Alida Stichting (Wilhelmina
Alida Foundation), Wassenaar
Ir. W.C. Bokhoven, 1964, Norit NV, Amersfoort, (norit tablets against
diarrhea) managing director 1942-1966
P.J. Potgieser,1970, Instituut Praehep (financial training),
The Hague, founder
G.H.E.M. van Waes, 1972, Koninklijke Nederlandse Zuivelbond, FNZ, (Royal
Dutch Dairy Federation), Rijswijk, was chairman untill 1971, was Mayor
of Borsele 1970-1978
Dr. E. van de Wiel, 1974, General Secretary Koninklijke Nederlandse
Zuivelbond, FNZ, (Royal Dutch Dairy Federation), Rijswijk
Ing. J.A. Geluk, 1954 (drawing), General Secretary Koninklijke Nederlandse
Zuivelbond, FNZ, (Royal Dutch Dairy Federation), Rijswijk
J.D.B. Olie, 1952, N.V.Plaatwellerij Velsen (pipe-lines / tanks),
founder and managing director
Ir. Joseph M.F.A. van Dijk, 1962, founder (1947) and managing director
of the Nederlands Radar Proefstation (The Dutch Radar Experimental Station),
Noordwijk, he was also one of the founders of the VVD (political party)
Dr. A.M.H. Schepman, ca. 1950, N.V. Uitgeverij J.B. Wolters (Publishers),
Groningen, he was also a literary man
B.J.C. van Kooten, 1975, internationally operating trading company van
Kooten Holding B.V., Bussum (was first commander of the Regiment Shock
Troups, founded by Prince Bernhard in 1944: RSPB)
L.J.L.M. (Lambert, 1873-1951) de Gruyter, 1943, P. de Gruyter en Zoon
N.V. (chain of food stores), 's-Hertogenbosch
L.W.A.M. de Gruyter (Lodewijk, 1900-1989), 1964, P. de Gruyter en Zoon
N.V. (later B.V.), 's-Hertogenbosch
Eduard Dussy (1885-1973), 1950, Cieba (medicine) / Cieba Geigy,
A.A.J. van der Ven, 1957, BETHI (Baekers-Elias-de Haes Textielindustrie),
Eindhoven, in 1965 merged into the KNTU-Koninklijke Textiel Industrie
(Royal Textile Industry)
W.G. Reddingius, 1968, N.H. Reddingius en Zonen BV, Redson Regio BV,
Redson Holland BV
H.J. (Hans) de Koster (1914-1992), 1959, general manager of NV Meelfabrieken
'De Sleutels' v/h De Koster & Co, Leiden (flour-mills), from
1946-1967 (later: VVD-politician, Secretary of State of Foreign Affairs
in Cabinet de Jong and Minister for Defence in the Cabinets Biesheuvel,
later (1978-1981) Chairman of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council
of Europe)
F. Kleinhof, 1974, Kleinhof B.V., Soesterberg / later Sphinx
Ir. L.P.M.H. (Léon) Lhoëst, 1958, Koninklijke Nederlandse
Papierfabriek (KPN), (Royal Dutch Papermill), Maastricht, later KNP-Leykam
and with VRG Group and Bührmann-Tetterode merged into KNP-BT. He
also was chairman of the board of the Royal Sphinx-Céramique
N.V. and of the First Dutch Cement Industry N.V. (ENCI)
H.J.H.J. Vinke, (geb. 1894), 1964, Vroom en Dreesmann, Rotterdam, on
the occasion of his retirement at the age of 70 years
Hendrik Smidt van Gelder (04.09.1884 - 27.07.1977), 1960, Koninklijke
Papierfabrieken (Royal Papermills) van Gelder en Zonen N.V.
Piet Blijenburg, 1968, General Manager of Weverij (Weaving mill)
'de Ploeg', Bergeijk. In 2007 'de Ploeg' was taken over by Artex, Aarle-Rixtel.
The portrait is part of the Museum collection of the Audax Textile Museum
Steven Duintjer (1955), Director of DWM&Co. (Duintjer, Wilkens,
Meihuizen & Co.), Aardappelmeel- en Dextrinefabriek (Potato-flour
and Dextrin Factory), founded in 1870 and merged with AVEBE, Veendam,
in 1962
J.K.P. Kraan, 1966, founder (in 1915) of the N.V. Meelfabrieken der
Nederlandsche Bakkerij (Flour-mills of the Dutch Bakery), Rotterdam,
on the occasion of the 50th anniversary in 1965
Ir. J.S. van Nijmegen Schonegevel, 1969, chairman of the board of N.V.
Diepenbrock Reigers Ulft, DRU, (cast iron products), one of the
oldest industrial companies (from 1754)
W.R. Reddingius, 1968, N.V. Necomij, N.V. Nederlandse Maatschappij van
Handelaren in IJzerwaren en Gereedschappen (Dutch Company of hardware
and tools dealers), Leiden
Baron Bracht, Charles-Victor Baron Bracht, 1972, industrialist, Schoten,
Antwerp, Belgium
Henricus (Han) Nijgh (1873-1948), art collector, Director NRC (Newspaper),
chairman of the board of Directors ANP (General Dutch News Agency),
supervisory director of Nijgh & Van Ditmar (book publishers)
Ir. C.M. (Marius) Cox, Ned. Spoorwegen, NS, (Dutch Railways)
C.M. Hin, 1953, Kousenfabriek (hosiery factory) HIN,Haarlem,
in 1969 part of DANLON, Emmen
Emiel Hubert van Oppen, 1958, buizenfabriek Staalwerken (tube factory
Steel works) De Maas, NV Maasstaal Industrie Maastricht, in 1969
part of the Verenigde Buizen Fabrieken,VBF, (United Tube Factories)
A.J.M. Verschure, 1962, Director of Verschure & Co., shipyard and
engineering Works, Amsterdam (Scheepvaartmuseum/Shipyard Museum, Amsterdam)
G. Dekker, 1944, Director of N.V. Nederlandsche Gist-en Spiritusfabriek,
A.J. van Weezenbeek, 1970, Financial Newspaper
J.P.A.M. van Poll Suijkerbuijk, 1960, Royal Printers and Publishers
Van Poll, later Elsevier-NDU
Royal Family
Art sector
Politics / Government / Authorities
Religion / Spiritual Life
Other portraits
Sierk Schröder Room