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Portraits of Artists/Actors
List of portraits by Sierk Schröder (world of art)

(picture: portrait of Bernard Haitink)
Bernard Haitink, 1978, Royal Concert Building, Amsterdam

(picture: portrait of Caro van Eyck)
Caro van Eyck, 1976, actress, Koninklijke Schouwburg (Royal
Theater), The Hague
Caro van Eyck, 1976, actress (a second portrait)
Paul Steenbergen, 1968, actor, Koninklijke Schouwburg (Royal
Theater), The Hague
Paul Steenbergen, 1968 (this second portrait is owned by the Sierk Schröder
(picture: portrait of Mr. Drs. L.J.F. Wijsenbeek)
Mr. Drs. L.J.F. Wijsenbeek, 1977, general manager of Gemeentemuseum
Den Haag (Hague Municipal Museum)
Dr. G. Knuttel, 1953, general manager of Gemeentemuseum Den Haag
(Hague Municipal Museum) from 1941-1948
Professor Charles Roelofz, 1965, Rijksakademie van Beeldende Kunsten
(National Academy of Visual Arts), Amsterdam
Reinder Blijstra, 1964, Dutch literary man, author
Jacques Bloem, 1953, author, poet, Nederlands Letterkundig Museum
(Dutch Literary Museum), The Hague
Haakon Stotijn, 1962, oboist, Koninklijk Concertgebouw (Royal Concert
Building), Amsterdam

(picture: portrait of Ida Wasserman)
Ida Wasserman, 1961, actress, Koninklijke Schouwburg (Royal
Theater), The Hague
Betsy Ranucci-Beckman, 1944, actress and producer, painted for the City
Theater in commission of The Municipality of The Hague
Betsy Ranucci-Beckman in Tsjechov's 'Kersentuin' ('Cherry Orchard'),
1961, Koninklijke Schouwburg (Royal Theater), The Hague
Cees Bantzinger, 1967, painter
Paul Citroen with cap (Sierk Schröder destroyed this painting,
picture of the work is owned by the Sierk Schröder Foundation)
Paul Citroen (75x60cms), 1958, painter
Paul Citroen (60x75cms), 1958, painter

(portrait of Dirk Nijland with cap)
Dirk Nijland with cap, 1952, painter
Dirk Nijland in his studio, 1952, painter

(picture: portrait of Theo Swagemakers)
Theo Swagemakers, 1963, painter

(picture: portrait of Harm Kamerlingh Onnes)
Harm Kamerlingh Onnes, painter
Thérèse de Groot-Haider, sculptor, (Schilderkundig Genootschap,
Painter's Society 'Pulchri Studio', The Hague)
Albert Vogel Jnr., 1978, recitalist and publicist
Ir. L.J.M. Feber, 1953, Nederlands Letterkundig Museum (Dutch
Literary Museum), The Hague
Corry (Corinne) Franzen-Heslenfeld, about 1940, sculptor

(picture: portrait of Gerard de Wit)
Gerard de Wit (101x61cms), 1958, painter

(picture: portrait of Gerard de Wit)
Gerard de Wit (120x90cms), 1967-1971, painter
Hans Martin, September 1964 (posthumous), author (was also Director
of KLM from 1945 until 1949)
D.G. van Beuningen, after 1952, art collector (see also under the heading
of Economy). This is the third portrait Sierk Schröder painted
of Mr. D.G. van Beuningen (he also painted the portrait of Mrs. van
Beuningen at that time).
The portrait of D.G. van Beuningen hangs in Museum Boijmans van Beuningen,
Willem Schrofer, 1959, painter
Cornelis Veth, 1951, art critic (this portrait yields the Jacob Hartog
Prize in 1952, nevertheless Sierk Schröder destroyed the portrait;
picture of the portrait is owned by the Sierk Schröder Foundation)
Henk van Ulsen, 1973, actor
Gerlof Zijlstra, 1982, director of Cultural Affairs, Municipality of
Hilversum, was also director of the Goois Museum

(picture: portrait of Piet van Boxel)
Piet van Boxel, painter
C.H. de Goeje, 1949, Commission for Art Commissions of the Hague Municipal
Service for Fine Arts
Royal Family
Art sector
Politics / Government / Authorities
Religion / Spiritual Life
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Sierk Schröder Room